After Christmas Time

Saint Sebastian

January 20

Foods & Symbols

  • Shish kebabs (since his first attempted execution was by an archer firing squad)


  • Sporting event of some kind (since he’s the patron saint of athletes)

St. Thomas Aquinas (The Dumb Ox)

January 28

Prayers & Devotions

Foods & Symbols

  • Oxtail soup
  • You can probably find “XO” valentine candies in the stores around this time.


  • Play pin-the-tail-on-the-ox or tic-tac-toe

Saint Brigid of Ireland

February 1

Foods & Symbols

  • Scones with jam: The order she founded produced jam to support themselves.


Presentation of the Lord (Candlemas)

February 2

Prayers & Devotions

  • Read Luke 2:22-35, the account of the presentation, including the Canticle of Simeon (Nunc Dimittis)
  • Meditate on the constant fiat of Our Lady of Sorrows, who embraced the will of God even as Simeon predicted that a sword would pierce her heart.

Foods & Symbols

  • Crepes: It’s Crepe Day in France. Their round shape and golden color remind us of the sun, which in turn reminds us of the Light of Christ which has finally dawned on the world.
  • Pancakes: They’re like crepes (see above).


  • Bring all the sacramental candles you plan to use during the coming year to church to have them blessed.
  • Make or decorate candles.
  • Procession of lights
    • Look for details to come of MOQ’s own procession and special mass
  • Dine by candlelight.
  • Have a bonfire to burn any leftover Christmas greenery.
  • If you haven’t already, you really need to take down your Christmas decorations today.